MBC Systems Airtightness
14 Nov 2024 MBC Timber Frame UK LtdAn air tight home is achieved with the careful application of an internal airtight membrane sheeting, which overlaps at joints and junctions, and is sealed with airtight tape. Where elements puncture ... -
Timber frame is one of the oldest forms of construction used throughout the world, as the advantages associated with this superb material are unparalleled. Modern sustainable timber frame house constr ...
Building a Passive House does not cost extra in the long term as there is no need to install a complex heating and cooling system. Finances saved are invested into essential Passive House Elements, th ...
Thermly, your personal heat pump assistant. We work out if a heat pump is right for you, find the right local installer and make the admin as smooth as possible. The government is currently offering £ ...
Set within the stunning south coast at the end of a tidal creek, Creeks End, is an idyllic family home. The project includes the rearrangement of various rooms within the existing house as well as add ...
A new green oak frame ‘upside-down’ house designed with the main living spaces and master bedroom upstairs taking advantage of panoramic views over rolling hillside towards the Dorset coast.
This wonderful house and annexe was recently completed in the shadow of the Malvern Hills in Worcestershire. The design for the new house evokes the curved roofs of Dutch barns and other simple rural ...
There’s a good chance your architect hasn’t produced 3D images of your project. But we do! HBXL Estimating Service offers a set of 3D models with suitable new builds, extensions and loft conversion pr ...
You want peace of mind that your self-build or ‘big’ home improvement project is going to go to plan. And that starts with having the right budget in place. There is nothing worse than running out of ...
24 Oct 2024 Bath & West Water SoftenersThe NEW TwinTec Cobalt Water Softener The most eco-friendly water softener on the market – the NEW Twintec Cobalt is made from 62% recycled materials, with a new robust cabinet reducing our plastic us ...